Summer Job Opportunities at Mark Twain Lake

Good afternoon!

I am pleased to announce that Mark Twain Lake will be hiring students for summer employment, without using the website. We will be accepting resumes and transcripts from interested individuals through close of business 22 April 2022. The attached slide show has particulars about the opportunities that exist. Please disseminate to any you think might be interested. I should also note that high school seniors who are enrolled in a tech school, community college, or university for the fall 2022 semester are eligible to apply.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your assistance. Have a very pleasant evening.

Maggie (Clara) Queen

Admin Support Assistant

Mark Twain Lake Project Office

20642 Highway J

Monroe City, MO 63456

PH: 573-735-4097

FAX: 573-735-2750

DHA Annoucement APRIL2022.pptx