OUTREACH: Summer Inter NTE – Shawnee National Forest – Forestry Technician GS – 0499 GS 3 / 4

If you know of someone who may be interested, please share.

Scott Crist
Fire Management Officer
Forest Service

Shawnee National Forest

p: 618-253-1032
c: 618-521-2180
f: 618-253-1060
50 Highway 145 South
Harrisburg, IL 62946
Caring for the land and serving people

From: Stephenson, Danielle – FS <Danielle.Stephenson>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 3:07 PM
To: Charles Ruffner <ruffner>; Benamin Snyder <benjamin.snyder>; Caleb Grantham <cgrantham>; zaczek; Tharran Hobson <thobson>; Jesse Riechman <jesseriechman>; Chase Seals <cseals>; Anderson, Margaret – NRCS, Murphysboro, IL <margaret.anderson>; FS-pdl r9 shawnee all employees <pdl_r9_shawnee_all_employees>; Wilson, Dennis -FS <dennis.b.wilson>; Nathan Speagle <nathan.speagle>; Scott Lahey <slahey221>; Chandler Mason <chandlerbmason21>; Eck, Eileen – FS <Eileen.Eck>; Mccoy, Addison – FS <Gary.Mccoy>; Hurd, Robert – FS <Robert.Hurd>; Brad Fuller <bradfuller97>; Terry Thompson <Terry.Thompson>; Mike Keeley <Mike.Keeley>; cwevans; jamie_farmer; Osborne, Scott – FS <Scott.Osborne>; Chandler Mason <chandlerbmason21>; Eric Holzmueler <eholzmue>; Mike Baltz <mebaltz>; Wilson, Martin Q CIV USARMY CELRL (USA) <Martin.Q.Wilson>
Subject: OUTREACH: Summer Inter NTE – Shawnee National Forest – Forestry Technician GS – 0499 GS 3 / 4

The Shawnee National Forest is seeking candidates for a Summer Intern. The duty station is located at the Hidden Springs Ranger Station in Vienna, Illinois. Position will be open for application in USA Jobs from November 23 – December 7, 2021. See attached outreach for additional information.

Announcement #: 22-NPT-SUM-NR-345-NTE

Please share with anyone who might be interested.


Danielle Stephenson
Timber Management Assistant (TMA)
Forest Service

Hidden Springs Ranger District

p: 618-685-1317
602 N First Street
Vienna, IL 62995
Caring for the land and serving people

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Outreach SNF Summer Intern NTE.docx