Looks like a great opportunity if you know anyone interested.
From: Corning-Sevey, Teresa L -FS
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:00 PM
To: Bailey, Denise A -FS <denise.bailey>; Bednarczyk, Gerald J -FS <gerald.bednarczyk>; Bianchi, Adam D -FS <adam.bianchi>; Block, Brian -FS <brian.block>; Braun, Allan J -FS <allan.braun>; Carnwath, Gunnar -FS <gunnar.carnwath>; Casara home <casaranichols>; Casara Nichols – Work <casara.c.nichols>; Corning-Sevey, Teresa L -FS <teresa.corning-sevey>; Coughlin, Travis E -FS <travis.coughlin>; cswan; Cuzick, Roy D -FS <roy.cuzick>; Dodson, Justin D -FS <justin.dodson>; Emmendorfer, Marianne – FS <marianne.emmendorfer>; Gaskins, Alton H -FS <alton.gaskins>; Hernandez, Jaime A -FS <jaime.hernandez>; Hummel, Brent N -FS <brent.hummel>; Huynh, Maurice L -FS <maurice.huynh>; John.L.Galvan; lmeredit; Munden, Charles -FS <charles.munden>; Paris, Randi B -FS <randi.paris>; Sierzega, Tucker T -FS <tucker.sierzega>; troy.fattor; Turberville, Bradley P -FS <bradley.turberville>; Young, Marc D -FS <marc.young>
Subject: FW: Outreach for Student Intern GS 0499 3/4/5/7, Blue Mountain RD, Malheur NF
For your networks!!
From: Lindsay, Amanda -FS
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:29 AM
To: FS-pdl r6 malheur all employees <pdl_r6_malheur_all_employees>; FS-pdl r6 umatilla all employees <pdl_r6_umatilla_all_employees>; FS-pdl r6 ww all employees <pdl_r6_ww_all_employees>
Subject: Outreach for Student Intern GS 0499 3/4/5/7, Blue Mountain RD, Malheur NF
Please share this outreach far and wide.
The silviculture shop on the Blue Mountain Ranger District, Malheur National Forest, will soon be filling a GS 0499 3/4/5/7 student intern position. This is a pathways position for current students who are in good academic standing. The incumbent would receive training and experience towards working as a GS 0460 5/7/9 Forester, and may have the opportunity for conversion to this position once all intern requirements are met. This position will be hired in conjunction with the Society of American Foresters (SAF) event and the vacancy will be posted October 28th through November 5th, 2019. All interested applicants must select John Day as a potential duty station.
If you know of any current students who would like this opportunity please pass it along to them.
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