Fwd: Richmond 2020 – River Management Training Symposium


Mark your calendars and plan to share your skills and experiences with river managers of today and tomorrow in us in Richmond, Virginia May 12-15, 2020!

The River Management Society, in partnership with Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) invites you to will host Mountain
Creeks to Metro Canals
, the 2020 River Management Training Symposium May 12-15, 2020 on and around the VCU campus.

2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Virginia Scenic Rivers program, a reason to celebrate Virginia’s river traditions, discussion about their status and trajectory, and how the health and
sustainability of its rivers compare to those in Oregon, Iowa, Minnesota and New Hampshire.

RMS provides a unique opportunity to meet and learn from a river professionals with a fascinating array of expertise and experiences. Connect with and get to know them as consumers of your products
and clients interested in your services.

Remember the dates: May 12-15, 2019

2020 Rquest for Presentations
 – Submit a presentation proposal! Discover the suggested training and workshop tracks, and learn how to submit your proposal in the 

2020 Sponsorship Program
 – Support RMS as a sponsor! Learn about opportunities to support the Symposium as a

Student scholarship
Event sponsor, or

New for 2020: a special exhibitor rate for non-profit organizations!

Additional information will roll out as the spring ends and summer begins at


Questions?  Don’t hesitate to contact us at
rms@river-management.org, and begin making plans to head to Richmond next May!



Lynn Crump, Scenic Resources Coordinator – Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation 
Dr. James Vonesh, Assistant Professor, Assistant Director – Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Environmental Studies
Risa Shimoda, Executive Directgor – River Management Society




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River Management Society PO Box 5750, Takoma Park, Maryland 20913-5750, United States

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