Fire Resistance Forestry Post-doctoral Fellowship at PNW Research Station

Good morning—

I am reaching out to you with the hope that you may know of someone who would be excited about this post-doc research opportunity at the USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station in Portland.

We seek a research participant to join our team in analyzing a large ecological dataset from over 400 FIA permanent forest inventory plots remeasured 1-yr post-wildfire across all ownerships in California and the inland Northwest between 2002 and 2019 that were also measured before fire and again several years after the post-fire assessment. We’ll relate observed post-fire conditions to pre-fire forest structure and stand history, controlling for fire weather and topography, to develop empirical, statistically representative evidence on factors that confer resistance to stand-replacing fire across all forests encountered by large fires in this region. This data will also provide insights on post-fire ecosystem trajectories and how those relate to pre-fire conditions. As part of the research opportunity, the participant will contribute to the BioSum analysis framework via collaboration and co-production with Forest Service users to apply BioSum to questions concerning management effectiveness at achieving desired forest conditions and environmental services and the associated operations costs and goods and services produced from the forest.

The ideal candidate will bring a background in forest fire ecology, and forest and fire management, some experience with growth and yield models, preferably the Forest Vegetation Simulator, and a keen interest in understanding forest ecosystem and carbon dynamics around wildfire, with and without management. Eligibility requires a PhD earned within the last 5 years or scheduled for completion by the proposed, but flexible, October-December start date.

I’d be most grateful if you could share this opportunity announcement (link below) to qualified candidates that you, or others in your organization, may know of.

Many thanks,

Jeremy Fried

Research Forester

Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forest Inventory and Analysis

620 SW Main St. Ste 502, Portland, OR 97205


Cell/Text: 503-386-5669