Complete: Lesson 3 Reading Assignment (from yesterday evening in the course calendar):
Comprehend: Lesson 3 Evolving approaches to natural resource management (D2L PowerPoint .pptx file)
Consider: Lesson 3 Discussion guide (D2L .pdf file)
Confer: Natural Resources Planning Discussions:
- What are some of the key features of sustained yield and multiple use sustained yield resource management? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
- What factors account for the turn toward ecosystem management? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
- What is ecosystem management, and what are its key principles? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
- How useful is the ecosystem management paradigm as a framework for parks and recreation planning? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
- What are some of the key challenges in the implementation of ecosystem management? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
- What recommendations would you propose for enhancing success in the transition toward ecosystem-based management of forests and water resources in the USA? (D2L Discussion forum topic)
Commence: Lesson 4 Reading Assignment (available at 6:00 pm Wednesday)
Calendar-ize Conversation Coming Up: Friday 4pm – 5pm Zoom debrief with Dr. Akamani