Two (2) Permanent (PFT) Forestry Technician/Wildland Firefighter GS-0462/0456-05/06 Assistant Fire Engine Operator (AFEO)

Good Afternoon,

The Ouachita National Forest Oklahoma Ranger Districts are pleased to announce the availability of two permanent full-time positions for Forestry Technician/Wildland Firefighter GS-0462/0456-05/06 Assistant Fire Engine Operator (AFEO). One position is available at the Choctaw RD in Hodgen, OK and one position is available at the Tiak RD in Broken Bow, OK.


Please review the attached announcement and contact Jesse Nichols (Tiak RD) or Anthony Ashalintubbi (Choctaw RD) with any questions you may have regarding the positions.

This outreach will remain open until the close of business of September 28th, 2022.

Thank You.

Robert Elliott
Support Services Specialist
Forest Service

Ouachita National Forest, Oklahoma Ranger Districts

p: 580-494-6402 x105
f: 580-494-6406
111 S. State Hwy 259A
Broken Bow, OK 74728


FY22 OKRD-Outreach-Announcement_PFT (AFEO)_8.18.2022.docx